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2020 Voter Guide

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2010 Election Resource Center


President Obama has halted U.S.-sponsored torture, but much is left to be done to ensure that our country never tortures again.  The prison at Guantanamo Bay must be closed.  There must be a thorough investigation of our past use of torture.  Congress must pass legislation making permanent the steps the President took to halt torture.

These steps will not occur without your help.  The anti-torture majority in Congress has been stymied in the effort to permanently end torture by a pro-torture minority and by torture apologists.  Further, Vice President Cheney and other supporters of torture have convinced many Americans that torture is sometimes okay.  It is crucial that in this election, we show Members of Congress how important it is for them to take a firm stand against torture.

How you can help:

1) Distribute Voter Guides to friends and family.

California 44th
New Jersey 12th
Pennsylvania 10th
Pennsylvania 16th
Virginia 5th

2) View our 2010 Congressional Vote Scorecards. You can tell people how their vote will make a difference by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that either thanks your incumbent Representative or Senator for his or her good votes to end torture – or takes him or her to task for failing to vote against torture. Get involved today - we've got suggestions and sample letters available. 

3)  Ask candidates for federal office about torture. See tips on meeting with candidates and asking questions about torture at campaign events.